As aspiring Software Craftsman I will constantly improve professional software development process by practicing it and helping others learn the craft. My rules and goals are (by area):
- take care of customers needs (budget, deadlines, values)
- focusing on business value //业务价值
- quickly responding to change
- help business achieve theirs goals
- creating not only working software, but also well-crafted
- simple over complicated solutions
- introduce modern solutions and technologies
- automate development process
- take care of quality of code, documentation, designs
- create solutions appropriate to problems //方案匹配问题
- using best practices and patterns /使用最佳实践和模式
- as little as possible incurring technological debt //尽量少引入技术债务
- teach people
- creating intrinistic motivation in people
- help others (especially less experienced co-workers)
- creating good atmosphere in teams
- take care of good quality of communication in project teams
- creating self-organizing teams
- sharing knowledge //知识共享
- constantly learn //持续学习
- being proactive
- come out with initiatives
- testing own solutions //测试解决方案
- being open to new solutions
- being a leader than a manager
- being responsible for my mistakes //为错误负责
- doing everything as good as possible
- be proud of my solutions and successes
- there is no try - only commitment or estimation