In a nutshell that philosophy is: Build small, focused programs—in whatever language—that do only one thing but do this thing well, communicate via stdin/stdout, and are connected through pipes.
Unix 哲学是:构建小型、单一的应用程序 —— 不管用什么语言 —— 只做一件小而美的事情,用 stdin / stdout 进行通信,并通过管道进行连接。
In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.
简单来说,微服务架构的风格是将单个 应用程序开发为一套小型服务的方法,每个服务都运行在它的进程中,并用轻量级机制进行通信,通常是 HTTP 资源 API 。
Traditionally, *nix programs could communicate via pipes. In other words, thanks to Doug McIlroy, you don’t need to create temporary files to pass around and each can process virtually endless streams of data between processes. To my knowledge, there is nothing comparable to a pipe standardized in microservices, besides my little Apache Kafka-based experiment from 2017.
Both *nix and microservices offer a number of challenges and opportunities
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