




Packages the application and the libraries in a single package (the Docker Image), so applications can consistently be deployed across many environments;
Provides Git-like semantics, such as "docker push", "docker commit" to make it easy for application developers to quickly adopt the new technology and incorporate it in their existing workflows;
Define Docker images as immutable layers, enabling immutable infrastructure. Committed changes are stored as an individual read-only layers, making it easy to re-use images and track changes. Layers also save disk space and network traffic by only transporting the updates instead of entire images;
Run Docker containers by instantiating the immutable image with a writable layer that can temporarily store runtime changes, making it easy to deploy and scale multiple instances of the applications quickly.

将应用程序和依赖库封装在一个软件包(即 Docker 镜像)中,因此应用可以被一致地部署在各个环境上;
提供类似 Git 的语义,例如 docker push,docker commit 等命令让应用开发者可以快速接受这门新的技术,并将其融入到现有的工作流中;
定义 Docker 镜像为不可变的层,支持不可变的基础设施。新提交的变更被分别保存为只读层,让复用镜像和追踪变更记录变得十分简单。层还通过只传输更新而不是整个镜像来节省磁盘空间和网络流量;
通过实例化不可变的镜像和读写层来运行 Docker 容器,读写层可以临时地存储运行时变更,从而轻松部署和扩展应用程序的多个实例。


Empower application developers with a powerful tool for Docker container orchestration without having to interact with the underlying infrastructure;
Provide standard deployment interface and primitives for a consistent app deployment experience and APIs across clouds;
Build on a Modular API core that allows vendors to integrate systems around the core Kubernetes technology.

为应用程序开发人员提供编排 Docker 容器的强大工具,而无需与底层基础设施交互;
提供标准部署接口和原语,以实现云端一致的应用部署体验和 API;
基于模块化 API 核心,允许供应商围绕 Kubernetes 的核心技术集成其系统。


Abstract data center resources into a single pool to simplify resource allocation while providing a consistent application and operational experience across private or public clouds;
Colocate diverse workloads on the same infrastructure such analytics, stateless microservices, distributed data services and traditional apps to improve utilization and reduce cost and footprint;
Automate day-two operations for application-specific tasks such as deployment, self healing, scaling, and upgrades; providing a highly available fault tolerant infrastructure;
Provide evergreen extensibility to run new application and technologies without modifying the cluster manager or any of the existing applications built on top of it;
Elastically scale the application and the underlying infrastructure from a handful, to tens, to tens of thousands of nodes.
