


我们设计一个系统应该最大化的挖掘正交性,让各个维度独立变化,在Java领域,值得参考的例子就是log4j 下面这篇文章解读了log4j:


Appenders, level, and layout are three aspects of Log4j that can be seen as independent dimensions. I use the term aspect here as a synonym for concern, meaning a piece of interest or focus in a program. In this case, it is easy to define these three concerns based on the questions that each addresses:

Appender: Where should the log event data be sent for display or storage?
Layout: How should a log event be presented?
Level: Which log events should be processed?
// setup logging !
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Foo");        
Appender appender = new ConsoleAppender();
Layout layout = new org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout()
// start logging !
logger.warn("Hello World");

Orthogonality is a powerful concept because it enables us to establish a relatively simple mental model for complex application use cases. In particular, we can focus on one dimension while ignoring other aspects.


The reduction in complexity that orthogonality brings to software programs is similar to how dimensions are used in geometry, where the complicated movement of points in an n-dimensional space is broken down to the relatively simple manipulation of vectors. The entire field of linear algebra is based on this powerful idea.



log4j的某些代码是违反了正交性的 比如JDBCAppender


The fact that there is no easy solution to fix the design of JDBCAppender indicates that there is a deeper problem at work. In this case, the level of abstraction chosen when designing the core abstract types (in particular Layout) needs fine-tuning. The core method defined by Layout is format(LoggingEvent event). This method returns a string. However, when logging to a relational database a tuple of values (a row), and not a string needs to be generated.

One possible solution would be to use a more sophisticated data structure as a return type for format. However, this would imply additional overhead in situations where you might actually want to generate a string. Additional intermediate objects would have to be created and then garbage-collected, compromising the performance of the logging framework. Using a more sophisticated return type would also make Log4j more difficult to understand. Simplicity is a very desirable design goal.

没有固定解决方案设计的简单解决方案这一事实JDBCAppender表明,工作中存在着更深层次的问题。在这种情况下,设计核心抽象类型(尤其是Layout)时选择的抽象级别需要进行微调。定义的核心方法Layout是format(LoggingEvent event)。此方法返回一个字符串。但是,当登录到关系数据库时,需要生成一个值的元组(一行),而不是一个字符串。


In this article I have used Log4j as an example to demonstrate both the design principle of orthogonality and the occasional trade-off between following a design principle and achieving a system quality attribute such as scalability. Even in cases where it is impossible to achieve full orthogonality, I believe that the trade-off should be a conscious decision, and that it should be well documented (for instance, as technical debt). See the Resources section to learn more about the concepts and technologies discussed in this article.

